President Trump nominates “Judge Pepe the Frog” from the fifth circuit Lilly pad from Pittsburgh. “Judge Pepe” has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support,” Mr. Trump said. After being introduced Judge Pepe said he was humbled by his “most solemn assignment.” “I will do all my powers permit to be a …
Month: January 2017
BuzzFeeed is mapping President Donald J. Trump to over 1500 businesses and persons in a Goggle spreadsheet name the TrumpWorld map. If you can attest to the greatness of our “Great Supreme Leader” Donald J. Trump in any of the businesses or persons please do so citizen. You will be helping America become “Great Again”! Here …
President Donald J Trump has signed an Executive Order to ban Muslims from the United States. Reinhard Heydrich a spokesman for the Trump Administration later clarified that is was only a ban from 7 Muslim countries and insisted this was not a ban on all Muslims. Heydrich said there was no ban where Supreme Leader Trump …
Trump’s Spokesperson Irmfried Eberal informed the press Supreme Leader Trump sent Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto back to Mexico. When asked about the statement released by the Mexican Goverment saying they cancelled the meeting. Irmfried Eberal called the statement “Fake News“. The real story is President Trump sent him packing back to Mexico. The President is considering sanctions …
President Trump was caught on tape by our reporter Bing Bong as they discussed the North Korean crisis. Here is a transcript of that tape: Pompeo: Sir we have to pick an appropriate response. Trump: Kim jong ill could not even hold my jockstrap Mike. Pompeo: Yes Sir Trump: You should how big it is Mike, …
Tensions continue to mount between North Korea and United States. Kim jong-il tweeted that he was the first Supreme Leader on twitter and was the “Best” Supreme Leader. Speculation immediately began to heat up over the twitter stratosphere. When there was no immediate response from President Trump, tense chatter began among the common twitters. TME …
President Trump approved the first enhancement interrogation technique today that can used by US Intelligence Agencies when interrogating terrorist. The technique consists of strapping terrorist to a chair in front of a big screen monitor attached to a massive sound system. They will then be forced to watch Hillary Clintons campaign speeches. From day one of …
Grand Poobah Artie Fisher of Burnt Balls Arkansas says the KKK will withdraw their support for Senator Jeff Sessions to be Donald Trumps Attorney General. Fisher says when Sessions withdrew his support from the Klan because of alleged joint burning instead of cross burning he felt Sessions was unfair and hurt his feelings. Fisher believes Sessions …
Betsy DeVos the daughter in law to Amway Co-Founder billionaire Richard DeVos and Trump’s Secretary of Education nominee. DeVos unveiled an education and jobs program during her Senate confirmation hearing. DeVos told Washington Sen. Patty Murray, the top Democrat on the committee that she would implement an Amway education curriculum that would teach minority children how to start …
President Trump signed an Executive Order this morning to change the name of “Voice of America” to ‘Trump Entertainment Media”. Trump and many Republicans believe “Voice of America” was not American enough. Trump says TME will make America Great Again!
In an interview with Trump Media Entertainment (TME) President Trump told reporter Timothy Barrett the “Tim Man that “Theresa May “In her day was a solid seven on his rating scale”. When asked if in his bachelor days would he have dated May? Trump said “No” he only dated Tens. Upon hearing of President Trumps rating …
Nazi CIA Agents support Donald Trump and are ready to swear their allegiance to him says Nazi Spokesperson Heinrich Himmler . Himmler informed the press that Nazi CIA Agents took Donald Trumps campaign comments as a compliment. Himmler believes Trump will the strong leader American Nazis can be proud of. Himmler calls Trump “The Great White …
Answer this question? Who will go down in history as the President with the largest inauguration in history? The answer, Donald J. Trump! President Trump signed an Executive Order declaring his inauguration as the “Largest Ever”. In the Executive Order the Supreme Leader can count the Women’s March as part of his inauguration numbers. The …
President Trump signed an Executive Order today declaring himself the winner of the popular vote due to voter fraud. House Republicans took up a resolution immediately in the House. Mitch McConnell said the Senate will follow suit. McConnell said it was time to expose the cheating ways of the Democrats. McConnell showed a picture of …
At CIA Headquarters in Langley Virginia Supreme Leader Donald J. Trump spoke about his supposed war with the CIA. Trump revealed that the media made up stories that he called the “intelligence agencies Nazis”. The Supreme Leader laid to rest any false stories by telling the attending CIA Staff that he loved them and was …
Learn how to speak successfully like Donald J. Trump our 45th President. Order Your Limited Edition CD – Learn how to Speak Trump Speak. Trump Speak is a language all of its own. Learn all the Big Adjectives our 45th President uses to negotiate with everybody, even himself. It has made President Trump the Biggest …