Month: March 2017
The White House release their first staff photo today.
My Mother always said “You Can”t Teach Stupid”!
Kelly Anne Conway in a interview about President Trumps claim that former President Obama tapped his phones she said “The President was referring to wiretapping of the Trump Campaign.” Kelly Ann went on to say the Government could tap anything including microwaves and animals. Our reporter Bing Bong has learned from a source inside the …
Supreme Leader Donald J. Trump tweeted this stunning accusation early this Saturday morning: President Trump has accused former President Obama of “Running a Secret Government”, but this remarkable comment that he saw Obama in the White House bathroom has stunned the world. Even his supporters at seemed shocked at first. The twitter-sphere suddenly became quiet for …
Donald Trumps Biggest Russian Fan – The Russian Fertilizer King
DESUS & MERO are the Wayne and Garth of the 21st Century. The show is intelligent, funny, edgy and entertaining. Check them out on Viceland. Ivanka checking out Justin!