Trump World

Welcome to “Mr. Trump goes to Washington”. This is my attempt to try and process this new reality I find myself in. Sometimes I feel like I woke up in a parallel universe called “Trump World” the day after the election . In Trump World alternate facts are real facts, fake news is real news and real news is fake news, reality is alternative reality in Trump World and alternative reality is reality. Confused? I am!

Honestly, how many of you geniuses would have predicted Donald Trump would be the 45th President of the United States two years ago? This guy broke every Presidential Campaign rule in politics and still won.  Oddly enough, it all seems very real. I find myself asking  “How in the hell did this  happen”? Welcome to my attempt to figure out what happened in the last two years with this Blog/Website. The site may seem somewhat confusing at first because I feel very confused at the moment as I try and piece together in my mind what happened and current events.

This site is an educational and a political satire site with a “Reality Check” now and then as we stroll through Trump World. The blog will be current satires and parodies as to what Mr Trump is doing in Washington and in the World. In the satires there will be links to news stories, biographies of current and historical figures depicted in the stories. I will try and make the links as interesting and as entertaining as possible.

On the other pages, I am still developing several concepts between Trump World and Trump Land. I am open to any ideas.  I will be updating some pages  regularly such as the Russian story page as more news breaks.  Enjoy, contribute your voice, I am looking for volunteers to express themselves.

Vive la révolution!

All news and information on this site is FAKE. Please read our disclaimer if you wish to. And now our first FAKE Ad!

Learn Trump Speak Today!

Learn how to speak successfully like Donald J. Trump our 45th President.

Are you one those people who thinks about ”A Lot of Things. Many Big Things or even the Biggest of Things”?

Would you like to learn how to express your big things like our Great Leader?

Welcome to Trump Speak, it is the latest thing craze. People across the country like Lenny Bruce are speaking it, “Let me tell you the truth: The truth is what is. And what should be is a fantasy a terrible, terrible lie that someone gave the people long ago

Trump Speak is a language all of its own. Learn all the Big Adjectives our 45th President uses to negotiate with everybody, even himself. It has made President Trump the Biggest President ever.

Learn classic Trump techniques like “How to change the facts in your favor or just change the facts or one of my favorites turn a real fact into a fake fact”.

Think about how Big You can be or as the new Trump Government Workers Slogan says “Be all you can, but be Big”.

Trump Campaign Speech

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The Indivisible Guide is a good place to start!  Follow the Yellow Brick Road to reach your destination!

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