Nazi CIA Agents support Donald Trump and are ready to swear their allegiance to him says Nazi Spokesperson Heinrich Himmler . Himmler informed the press that Nazi CIA Agents took Donald Trumps campaign comments as a compliment. Himmler believes Trump will the strong leader American Nazis can be proud of. Himmler calls Trump “The Great White …
Answer this question? Who will go down in history as the President with the largest inauguration in history? The answer, Donald J. Trump! President Trump signed an Executive Order declaring his inauguration as the “Largest Ever”. In the Executive Order the Supreme Leader can count the Women’s March as part of his inauguration numbers. The …
President Trump signed an Executive Order today declaring himself the winner of the popular vote due to voter fraud. House Republicans took up a resolution immediately in the House. Mitch McConnell said the Senate will follow suit. McConnell said it was time to expose the cheating ways of the Democrats. McConnell showed a picture of …
At CIA Headquarters in Langley Virginia Supreme Leader Donald J. Trump spoke about his supposed war with the CIA. Trump revealed that the media made up stories that he called the “intelligence agencies Nazis”. The Supreme Leader laid to rest any false stories by telling the attending CIA Staff that he loved them and was …
Learn how to speak successfully like Donald J. Trump our 45th President. Order Your Limited Edition CD – Learn how to Speak Trump Speak. Trump Speak is a language all of its own. Learn all the Big Adjectives our 45th President uses to negotiate with everybody, even himself. It has made President Trump the Biggest …
You enter Trump Land at your own risk. Warning, Danger Will Robinson! Danger Will Robinson! All who enter may find themselves going in and out of parallel universes. I often find myself floating between Trump Land and Trump World. I think their parallel universes but at times I come back to reality and think to …