Betsy DeVos Unveils Jobs Curriculum for Minorities to Senate Education Committee

Betsy DeVos the daughter in law to Amway Co-Founder billionaire Richard DeVos and Trump’s Secretary of Education nominee.  DeVos unveiled an education and jobs program during her Senate confirmation hearing. DeVos told Washington Sen. Patty Murray, the top Democrat on the committee that she would implement an Amway education curriculum that would teach minority children how to start an Amway business.  Devos asked the committee to envision a day where black children, hispanic children and all other improvised children would grow up to become an Amyway Entrepreneur. Senator Al Franken questioned whether or not this would be a conflict of interests for DeVos? DeVos reassured the committee that she had gone through the same legal process as our Supreme Leader did detaching himself from Trump businesses.

In a controversial move Devos held up a picture of four African American children and asked the committee members to imagine these “poor” children selling Amway beauty products in their neighborhood. Senator Pat Roberts Republican from Kansas  had concerns about introducing make up products to boys at a young age. Roberts was concerned about a class called, “Applying Amway Make Up Products to Yourself”  in the curriculum. DeVos assured Roberts that boys in the class would by applying make up to girls in the class and not themselves. Roberts later told TME reporter Bing Bong, “Betsy DeVos has the kind of can do spirit we need to Make America Great Again”.