BuzzFeeed is mapping President Donald J. Trump to over 1500 businesses and persons in a Goggle spreadsheet name the TrumpWorld map. If you can attest to the greatness of our “Great Supreme Leader” Donald J. Trump in any of the businesses or persons please do so citizen. You will be helping America become “Great Again”!
Here are the instructions and contact information from the BuzzFeed article:
The TrumpWorld map is based on a wide-ranging search of financial disclosures, news stories, and other records. These data sources can contain errors and omissions, so we also want to know what we may have missed.
Please send tips and information to [email protected]. (If you’d like to send your tip securely and anonymously, see these instructions.)
You can view TrumpWorld below or click here to view it in Google Sheets, where you can search and download the data. You can also view it on GitHub.
Update, Jan. 20, 2017: Thanks in large part to readers’ tips, TrumpWorld now includes more than 1,700 people and organizations.