Do you feel like you woke up in a parallel universe on Nov 9th, 2016? Welcome to Trump Land. A happy land where our fearless leader Donald J. Trump leads us to a happy land of unicorns and lollipops. Our lives now make sense. Thank you oh fearless one. We are so grateful for your …
As some of you may have guess this site is a parody of the great Jimmy Stewart movie “Mr. Smith goes to Washington”. If Mr. Trump has you confused click on this link to see what Trump’s biggest donors want to happen in the Country.
Robert De Niro warned new college graduates that in movie terms,” America was once “an inspiring uplifting drama” but has now turned into “a tragic dumb–s comedy.”
James Comey just schooled President Donald J. Trump after the Russians embarrassed Trump and America in front of the world. The fired FBI director also sent a message to Vladimir Putin, “The Russian meddling is over”! Do you think that it was a coincidence that the “Comey Memo” came out after the Russian debacle in the …
My Mother always said “You Can”t Teach Stupid”!
DESUS & MERO are the Wayne and Garth of the 21st Century. The show is intelligent, funny, edgy and entertaining. Check them out on Viceland. Ivanka checking out Justin!
Trump seems to me to be an uneasy man. He acts like a guilty man letting the truth slip from his lips at times. On Trumps first day as President he went to CIA headquarters and gave a speech in front of the CIA Memorial War. Trump complained to the audience that the media was lying …
Whether this guy was guilty of anything or not he should have been fired because he is a freaking idiot. Think about it? Flynn, was the national security adviser for Trump and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence under Obama. Supposedly Obama fired him for being incompetent, he says otherwise. Either way, I …
“Mr Trump Goes to Washington” is in need of Volunteers who are creative and want to use their talents in Trump World. Trump World is a Parallel Universe of Alternative Facts that turn into Alternative Reality. A World in which Fake News is Real News. Alternative Facts are Real Facts and Teaching History. For example …
The 50 Craziest Things Trump Has Done As President | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
BuzzFeeed is mapping President Donald J. Trump to over 1500 businesses and persons in a Goggle spreadsheet name the TrumpWorld map. If you can attest to the greatness of our “Great Supreme Leader” Donald J. Trump in any of the businesses or persons please do so citizen. You will be helping America become “Great Again”! Here …