Trump World

Trump to Visit Smithsonian Black Museum

President Trump said he would be having lunch with  Fredrick Douglass while visiting the new Smithsonian Black Museum and looked forward to meet Fredrick  “A Great Black American“. while visiting the new Smithsonian Black Museum. When a reporter told the President that Fredrick Douglass was dead the President responded “That was Fake News and moved on”. …

Flynn Resigns

Dmitry Sergeyevich Peskov spokesmen for the White House announced that General Micheal Flynn submitted his letter of resignation to the President.  Peskov said the President was very disappointed and was hesitant to accept the resignation but Flynn insisted. The world lost one of its most knowledgeable leaders especially on Russian and the Baltic States. 

Supreme Leader Donald J. Trump Names Supreme Court Nominee

President Trump nominates “Judge Pepe the Frog”  from the fifth circuit Lilly pad from Pittsburgh.  “Judge Pepe” has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support,” Mr. Trump said. After being introduced Judge  Pepe said he was humbled by his “most solemn assignment.” “I will do all my powers permit to be a …

Trump Land

You enter Trump Land at your own risk. Warning, Danger Will Robinson! Danger Will Robinson! All who enter may find themselves going in and out of parallel universes. I often find myself floating between Trump Land and Trump World. I think their parallel universes but at times I come back to reality and think to …