President Trump released his budget for 2017 and here are some of highlights:
Budget Increases:
- President Trump’s salary will be raised to 50 Billion Dollars a year.
- Trump Foundation will receive a 20 Billion Dollar donation for the President to distribute to any charity he chooses including himself.
- There will be a 54 Billion Dollar increase for the Military budget.
- The US Government will give a 50 Billion Dollar donation to Vladimir Putin’s Foundation “FSB Poor Children” to foster good relations.
- An increase of 10 Billion Dollars to the Gas and Oil industry this will be in addition to their 4 Billion Dollar tax break.
Budget Decreases:
- Elimination of the EPA and the Education Departments .
- Elimination of Programs for the Elderly.
- Elimination of Programs for Minorities.
- Elimination of any Programs the give a Hand Outs.
- Elimination of Obama Care.
In addition to the new budget White House Spokesmen Boris Konstantinovich Ratnikov said further cuts will be announced at a latter date.