President Trump’s New 2017 Budget

President Trump released his budget for 2017 and here are some of highlights:

Budget Increases:

  1. President Trump’s salary will be raised to 50 Billion Dollars a year.
  2. Trump Foundation will receive a 20 Billion Dollar donation for the President to distribute to any charity he chooses including himself.
  3. There will be a 54 Billion Dollar increase for the Military budget.
  4. The US Government will give a 50 Billion Dollar donation to Vladimir Putin’s Foundation “FSB Poor Children” to foster good relations.
  5. An increase of 10 Billion Dollars to the Gas and Oil industry this will be in  addition to their 4 Billion Dollar tax break.

Budget Decreases:

  1. Elimination of the EPA and the Education Departments  
  2. Elimination of Programs for the Elderly.
  3. Elimination of Programs for Minorities. 
  4. Elimination of any Programs the give a Hand Outs.
  5. Elimination of Obama Care.

In addition to the new budget White House Spokesmen Boris Konstantinovich Ratnikov  said further cuts will be announced at a latter date.