Trump seems to me to be an uneasy man. He acts like a guilty man letting the truth slip from his lips at times. On Trumps first day as President he went to CIA headquarters and gave a speech in front of the CIA Memorial War. Trump complained to the audience that the media was lying about his inauguration numbers. Trump seemingly unaware that he stood on Hallow Ground in front of the CIA Wall of Stars and whined about how unfairly he is being treated by the Media.
At the same time the Women’s March in Washington was happening along with Marches from all over the world.
This was “Day One” of the Trump Presidency. Charles Krauthammer called Spicer’s press conference “Surreal”. When we hear concepts like Surreal and Alternative Facts to describe the Trump Presidency there is only conclusion. We Are All Fucked! There will be no reach arounds! No Vasaline! Just bend over and “Spread Your Cheeks”. I promise, “The Donald” will do it with a smile.
Day after day I feel him going in deeper and deeper filling me with this kind of crap:
President Trump insults Meryl Streep after she attacks him on the Golden Globes or Twitter insults:
“Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got “swamped” (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,” Trump tweeted Friday morning. “So much for being a movie star.”
Why is he doing this? I think the majority of the country accepts the election results. Trump is the only one questioning his own campaign results. There is no steady drumbeat in the Country to delegitimize his election. The Women’s March was done out of love. “Love Trumps Hate“.
To me, all these questions about his own election coming from him is an act of a guilty man. This would all be very amusing if it wasn’t so “Fucking Real”!