Tag Archives: Trump

Trumps Calls Chuck Schumer – “Cry Baby”

President Trump laughed when asked what he thought about Chuck Schumer crying over the “Muslim Ban”. Trump called Schumer a “Cry Baby” who was playing to to liberal left but “True Americans” would see through his B-Rated acting job. Trump joked “Hillary Clinton had a bigger set then Schumer”. Trump went on to say the Democrats are”Losers” …

Trump Sign an Bans Executive Order to Ban Muslims from the United States

President Donald J Trump has signed an Executive Order to ban Muslims from the United States. Reinhard Heydrich a spokesman for the Trump Administration later clarified that is was only a ban from 7 Muslim countries and insisted this was not a ban on all Muslims. Heydrich said there was no ban where Supreme Leader Trump …

Trump Land

You enter Trump Land at your own risk. Warning, Danger Will Robinson! Danger Will Robinson! All who enter may find themselves going in and out of parallel universes. I often find myself floating between Trump Land and Trump World. I think their parallel universes but at times I come back to reality and think to …