TME Exclusive Interview with Trump Insider Stephen Miller

Stephen Miller Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump agreed for an exclusive interview with TME reporter Dick Dickless.

Dickless: Thank you for coming. So Stephen it has been a rough week for the Trump Team?

Miller: Dick this is all fake news I will  prove it today!

Dickless: So, this is breaking news?

Miller:(voice rising in tone) Yes, I am here to tell people the real news according to Our Supreme Leader Donald J. Trump!

Dickless: How is our fearless leader Stephen?

Miller:He sends hi deepest regards to the “Great Dick Dickless”!

Dickless: Tell him Dicky Lessdick, that’s what he calls me, says thanks, you were saying?

Miller: Danke Schoen, First of all Dick, our enemies trying to demilitarize President Trumps election (his voice getting higher and firm)

Dickless: Go on Stephen.

Miller: Everyone questions the Supreme Leader, The Courts, The Democrats, The Republicans and The  Liberal Media!! HOW DARE THEM!!!!

Dickless: You sound upset Stephen?

Miller: Niemand wird den Präsidenten in Frage stellen!!!! uh, excuse me, I mean NO ONE WILL QUESTION THE PRESIDENT!!!

Dickless: I see Stephan, tell me more?

Miller: President Trump is loved by the people Dick and should not be questioned! The people love Our Supreme Leader and showered him with more votes then anyone in history!

Dickless: Well Stephen is it not the role of the media, congress and citizens to question it’s President?

Miller: Niemand wird den Präsidenten in Frage stellen!!!!Niemand wird den Präsidenten in Frage stellen!!!! Niemand wird den Präsidenten in Frage stellen!!!! Niemand wird den Präsidenten in Frage stellen!!!! Niemand wird den Präsidenten in Frage stellen!!!! Niemand wird den Präsidenten in Frage stellen!!!!

Stephen Miller hyperventilated at this point and needed to be calmed down and left the interview.