Trump Approves Enhanced Interrogation

President Trump approved  the first enhancement interrogation technique today that can used by US Intelligence Agencies when interrogating terrorist. The technique consists of strapping terrorist to a chair in front of a big screen monitor attached to a massive sound system.  They will then be forced to watch Hillary Clintons campaign speeches. From day one of her announcement to her consolation speech. Every campaign speech  played over and over. In between Hillary speeches the terrorist will be bombarded by Hillary’s Anti-Trump commercials and then at the end Supreme Leader Trump will walk into the room and all the terrorists will bow to Trump and beg to convert to Trump-ism. Regan McCook a Trump Advisor estimates a 6 hour maximum time period it would take to crack a terrorist. She predicts that most will crack within a two to four hour period.

Trump remarked the American people were forced to suffer through Hillary’s boring  campaign day after day. Trump said he even tried to help her by giving her nicknames like “Crooked Hillary” to help her ratings but she blew it.